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Innovative Multi-Omics Technology
for Unparalleled Insights

Integrated Multi-Omics Analysis

Panome Bio offers true multi-omics analysis – our proprietary approach and unmatched expertise allows us to integrate multiple ‘omics datasets onto shared biochemical networks to deepen pathway coverage and improve mechanistic understanding. This approach, only offered by Panome Bio, provides additional insights and confidence in datasets by showing where protein and metabolite changes coalesce. Panome Bio has assembled a proprietary database of gene, transcript, protein, and metabolite interactions to leverage. This database was built using Panome Bio’s extensive collection of internal data supplemented with connections seen in the scientific literature and publicly-available datasets generated by others. To uncover novel interactions measured in a multi-omic experiment, we also perform data-driven network analyses to determine analytes with concordant changes within a dataset.

Innovative Multi-Omics Technology
for Unparalleled Insights

Next-Generation Metabolomics®

The Next-Generation Metabolomics platform has been shown to identify  >2.8X more compounds than legacy approaches to metabolomics. At Panome Bio, we utilize state-of-the-art liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry assays and a true untargeted approach to data processing to give you the highest quality and most interpretable metabolomics data. We take a true untargeted metabolomics approach where metabolite signals are detected independent of a reference library, thereby offering the opportunity to measure novel compounds and dramatically increase metabolome coverage. Our computational pipeline analyzes the raw LC/MS data for all real metabolite signals present and and identifies those signals by matching against a comprehensive small molecule databases to provide an unbiased and global view of metabolism. We also offer a comprehensive targeted metabolomics panel with absolute quantitation and customizable quantitative assays for downstream validation and clinical development.

Innovative Multi-Omics Technology
for Unparalleled Insights

Panome Proteomics Suite

Panome Bio leverages an LC/MS proteomics platform that offers an unbiased, comprehensive view of the proteome across all species and sample types. In addition to broad coverage, our approach can detect sequence variants and post-translational modifications missed by affinity-based platforms. For biofluid proteomics we leverage the Seer Proteograph™ XT coupled with the Thermo Fisher Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer to see 7.7x coverage compared to competing approaches. For cells and tissues we leverage a label-free, bottom-up untargeted approach well suited for all experimental conditions. As projects move from discovery to validation and pre-clinical development we offer custom and pre-built targeted panels for absolute quantitation of specific proteins of interest.

Innovative Multi-Omics Technology
for Unparalleled Insights

Data Analysis

Panome Bio has developed the only software that enables an accurate, truly untargeted approach to metabolomics and proteomics. In our metabolomics workflow, metabolite signals are detected, aligned, and quantified in each sample. Proprietary algorithms are used to  remove non-biological or redundant information. Experimental data such as natural abundance isotope patterns, retention times, and MS/MS fragmentation data is matched to a comprehensive database of over 170k compounds from sources such as HMDB, RefMet, and LipidMaps. Our proteomics data analysis involves a library-free search based on the reference proteome of the organism to quantify relative peptide abundances. These measurements are then aggregated into a single protein abundance measurement. After identifying the metabolites and proteins, an in-depth statistical analysis of the levels is performed according to the needs of the project. This commonly includes unsupervised analyses (e.g., PCA, HCA), supervised analysis (ANOVA, PLS-DA, SVMs, other machine learning analyses), and pathway analysis.

Let’s get started!

Discover the unparalleled advantages of Panome Bio’s advanced multi-omics technology. Our state-of-the-art liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry assays and comprehensive data analysis provide you with the highest quality, most interpretable insights into your metabolomics and proteomics data.

Ready to elevate your research? Connect with us today.

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