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Our Metabolomics, Lipidomics, & Proteomics Screening Services

Getting the most meaningful data begins with designing the most meaningful screen. Panome Bio offers untargeted assays for the broadest possible coverage of small molecules and metabolites. Perhaps you already know what you are looking for – we have you covered there too. We will assemble custom targeted panels that are designed to cover commonly evaluated metabolite classes and pathways. Make your data even more meaningful by pairing metabolomics with our proteomics capabilities through the SomaScan 7K assay. We take care of the rigorous data processing and package the results in a straightforward data analysis report.

Global Profiling

Small molecules and metabolites have extreme chemical diversity. As a result, a single assay cannot measure the entire metabolome of your sample. However, Panome Bio has developed a suite of complementary LC/MS assays to capture a broad view of the small molecule landscape of your samples. For global, untargeted metabolomics assays we have four assays that target different regions of the metabolome, enabling our platform to measure diverse chemicals, from lipids to central carbon metabolites. We work with you to select the best method based on the broad chemical classes you are interested in profiling. For the best coverage, we recommend using all four assays to analyze your samples.

No matter your selection of assay(s), Panome Bio will perform sophisticated global analysis on the raw data from each assay to detect and identify as many metabolites from your sample as possible. Our library is not limited by the chemical classes noted in the above figure. We search broad chemical structure databases to provide an unbiased analysis of your sample and curate the data so you can have the highest confidence in your results. We then combine the results across assay types into a single report that breaks down assay-specific results, as well as an integrated analysis for a global view of your samples.

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Global Profiling Assays: A summary of major chemical classes that can be measured with each assay type is shown above. A green cell indicates that metabolites belonging to that chemical class can generally be detected by the assay type. This visualization is not comprehensive and additional chemical classes can be detected with each assay type.

For broad coverage of the polar (water soluble) metabolome, we offer two assays that profile the polar metabolome with negative or positive ionization. While many metabolites can be detected in either ionization mode, at low metabolite concentrations, the gain or loss of sensitivity for a metabolite in one mode or another may allow or impede an accurate measurement of the metabolite’s abundance. The negative mode polar metabolite assay offers the broadest coverage of small molecule metabolites and is especially beneficial for the measurement of many central carbon metabolites. Positive mode, on the other hand, can be helpful in boosting the sensitivity in select chemical classes, such as glycosyl compounds and nucleosides. The differential sensitivity of the two assays makes them especially powerful when used together. Metabolite identification confidence is improved when using both assays in combination, and in general, the number of metabolites we can detect in your samples will increase by nearly 100% when compared to the use of a single assay alone.

To capture the lipid metabolome, we also offer two assays that analyze your sample with either positive or negative ionization. Both lipid assays offer broad assessment of major biological lipid classes, including ceramides, glycerophosphocholines, and sphignomylins, amongst others. Multiple individual lipids within each class can be profiled in a single experiment to assess fatty acid compositions within your samples. The positive mode assay offers the broadest lipid coverage between our two assays and enable certain lipid classes to be detected when compared to negative mode, such as triradylglycerols and diradylglycerols. However, some lipid species prefer ionization in negative mode, such as glycerophosphoinositols. An additional benefit of performing both assay types on your samples is greater specificity and identification confidence in individual lipid species, especially for determination of fatty acid composition within a lipid species.

Sample Types, Collection, and Delivery

Getting started working with us is easy. Our platform can analyze multiple sample types including serum and plasma, cell pellets, tissue sections, and other biofluids from multiple organisms. Each sample type has clearly defined instructions for sample collection, handling, storage, and shipment that ensure the measurements we make are the best reflection of your samples.

Panome Bio can handle samples from many different species such as Human, Mouse, Rat, Zebrafish, Hamster, E. coli, Yeast, C. elegans. Please inquire about your metabolome of interest.

Multi-omics – Pair Metabolomics with Proteomics

Panome Bio has partnered with SomaLogic to help you advance your research in biomarker discovery and drug development. The SomaScan® 7K assay is a platform that screens 7,000 unique proteins from biological samples. Coupling metabolomics and proteomics will provide correlations and insights between the metabolome and proteome, giving you a full picture of pathways and getting you results closer to phenotype.

The SomaScan® 7K platform is a technology used to discover biomarkers for many applications such as target identification and validation, drug mechanisms, disease modeling and pathway investigation. The SomaScan® Assay can measure 7,000 proteins in a single sample with sensitivity to provide quantitative and reproducible results. More information about the SomaScan® 7K Assay can be found in the resources below and at

Data Analysis Reports that Accelerate your Research

Metabolomics data is complex. Thankfully, when you partner with Panome Bio, our data analysis pipeline was built to give you the most reliable and accurate measurements of your sample. By using the latest algorithms for mining of metabolomics data, we transform the raw data into robust metabolites abundances and high-level summaries in the form of our data analysis report.

The data analysis report contains not only the highly curated metabolite measurements from your samples but also statistics, visualizations, and analysis metadata. We work with you to define the necessary statistical analyses of these measurements to give you the most insight from your data. No matter your experimental design, we can define an analysis plan that will meet your needs, from pair-wise comparisons to machine learning. Further, we perform additional analyses such as pathway analysis, clustering, and dimensionality reduction to better contextualize your findings. We present these results not simply as data tables but as high-quality visualizations of both individual metabolites and global trends to enable you to quickly gain intuition into your sample set. Lastly, to facilitate more in-depth analysis we include the output from multiple steps of the analysis pipeline that details the individual features detected, the annotations and identifications of each feature, and the abundance of each signal. To enable you to make the most of this information, we also provide tutorials, webinars, and examples for how to use this information for further analysis.

Just as important as the results we provide is the ensuring that our results are accurate. We perform in-depth analysis of the technical variation in your dataset to give you the highest confidence in your results. Our workflow includes the use of multiple quality control samples as well as sophisticated normalization procedures to maximize the biological signal in your data. In the data analysis report, we include summary statistics and visualizations of technical variation, both globally and on individual metabolite basis.

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